Access to information – Onderpapegaaiberg fence

1 Aug 2018

I wanted to get access to information about the Onderpapegaaiberg Fence.  Therefore, on 19 June I attended a ward committee meeting.  This was because ward councillor Mrs Serdyn invited me.
Stellenbosch Onderpapegaaiberg Fence

How was the Fence procured and financed?

First I responded by clarifying 19 questions about the fence. Then I sent these questions to my mail list. That list includes Mrs Serdyn.

That evening I met the ward committee members. They all had copies of the mail with the questions. We spoke about my concerns. Mrs Serdyn noted the 19 questions. These questions cover eight areas.

1. Reason for the fence.
2. Decision-making process.
3. Municipal procurement process.
4. Council budget for fence cost.
5. Environmental impact.
6. Security and costs.
7. Stop-and-frisk. (This refers to apprehending ‘suspicious’ individuals).
8. Other developments.

Mrs Serdyn said she would direct these to the relevant municipal departments. She said she would need 14 days, until 03 July, to get me access to information.

Access to information from MAYCO

On 20 June, I thought I had access to information. Then the MAYCO councillors’ PA responded with answers by e-mail. (MAYCO refers to the Executive Mayoral Committee.

Mrs Serdyn serves on MAYCO as Portfolio Councillor: Planning and Economic Development). That I got answers within 24 hours impressed me. But my positive feelings soon turned to disappointment. This happened when I read the ‘answers’. It was because they did not answer 10 of the questions. Seven answers are vague. Thus they qualify as non-answers.

I communicated this to Mrs Serdyn on 27th June. On 3rd July and 9th July. I again asked her for proper answers.

But I got a deafening silence. And I had no access to information. Today it is 02 August, one month after the deadline for the information. And I still have no substantive answers. And therefore, no access to information.

The table below demonstrates the paucity of the ‘answers’. Those that were given are totally inadequate, bar two. Therefore they do not help us to decide whether to support the Fence initiative.

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Access to information – data analysis


1. Reason:

1.1   Why was the fence erected?

  • Exclude us from the nature reserve?
  • Keep pedestrians from Kayamandi/Enkanini from walking through our suburb?
  • Exclude criminals out of our area?
  • Other reasons?
To stop people driving over the mountain throw the resort
Reduce illegal dumping

2. Decision-making:

2.1   Who decided that the fence should be erected?

  • The ward committee?
  • Other party?
The Onderpapegaaiberg comminuty (sic)
2.2   Did the Onderpapegaaiberg Neighbourhood Watch make inputs into and support this decision? Everybody possible. Neighbourhood Watch and Stellenbosch Watch work together.
2.3   Did Stellenbosch Watch make inputs into and support this decision? Everybody possible. Neighbourhood Watch and Stellenbosch Watch work together.
2.4   Which other parties made inputs into and supported this decision? Everybody possible. Neighbourhood Watch and Stellenbosch Watch work together
2.5   Was there a public participation process for inputs to this decision? Part of IDP meeting roll out in ward.

3. Municipal procurement process:

3.1   When did the tender go out for the erection of this Fence?

3.2   What is the total (labour and materials) cost of the Fence?

4. Council budget:

4.1   Where in the current budget is this project allocated?

4.2   Is the erection of this fence aligned with the current municipal Integrated Development Plan (IDP)?

5. Environmental impact:

5.1   Is the fence aligned with the Environmental Impact Study and recommendations for this area?

6. Security and Costs:

(Assuming that the reason for the Fence is crime prevention/security)
6.1   Would it not be more cost effective to rather have surveillance cameras at key points in the suburb?

We replace the fence with a better product and rest will follow: 3 year project.
6.2   The fence is vulnerable to breakage and stealing; therefore how do you justify its security value?


7.Stop and frisk

(Apprehending ‘suspicious’ individuals; risks prejudiced profiling of individuals who don’t ‘fit’ in a community).

7.1   Does the ward committee and the ward councillor support stop-and-frisk?

7.2   Is the ward committee and ward councillor aware of an Onderpapegaaiberg Neighbourhood Watch/Stellenbosch Watch stop-and-frisk strategy?

8. Other developments:

8.1   When will the upgrading of the Waste Water Treatment Plant at the edge of Onderpapegaaiberg be completed?

8.2   What will be the total (estimated) cost of the upgrading of the Waste Water Treatment Plant?
8.3   What is the status of the proposed development of a shopping mall on the site of the saw mill factory? All on hold after Steinhoff debakel (sic).
8.4   What other development plans in Onderpapegaaiberg have been approved? None.


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